Episode 14

Revival as a River

What is revival? While many liken it to a spiritual awakening, I'd like to propose a different metaphor: revival as a mighty river, reminiscent of the vision in Ezekiel 47. 

Video of the Week: https://www.kingdomcommunity.tv/media/nfgwqjx/the-habitation-of-god

Picture a once-vibrant river that has slowed to a trickle. Its banks are dry, and the surrounding landscape thirsts for nourishment. Suddenly, the waters begin to swell, and the river surges forward with renewed strength. This is what revival does for the church.

Refreshing Stagnant Waters

Just as a rushing river refreshes stagnant pools, revival reinvigorates believers. It replenishes our spiritual reservoirs, renews our commitment to our faith, and redirects our focus towards expanding God's righteous Kingdom rule in the world. As Ezekiel observed, "This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah, where it enters the Dead Sea. When it empties into the sea, the salty water there becomes fresh" (Ezekiel 47:8).

Carving New Paths

A powerful river doesn't just flow within its existing banks; it carves new channels. Similarly, revival propels us beyond the familiar confines of our church walls. It creates new pathways into our communities, carrying the life-giving message of God's love to those who are spiritually parched.

Washing Away Debris

Rivers have the power to wash away accumulated debris. In the same way, revival cleanses our spiritual lives of the buildup of routine, the sediment of complacency, and the flotsam of going through the motions. As these are swept away, we gain a clearer view of our purpose and role in God's plan.

Nourishing Barren Lands

A river brings life to barren lands along its banks. Revival spreads believers throughout society like water nourishing dry soil. We become wellsprings of faith in unexpected places, empowered to nurture growth, foster change, and cultivate spiritual fruit in our spheres of influence. Ezekiel's vision speaks to this transformative power: "Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing" (Ezekiel 47:12).

A Constant Flow

It's important to understand that revival isn't meant to be a flash flood, but a constant, powerful flow. It's not a one-time event, but a sustained force that continually renews and reshapes the church. This river reminds us that our spiritual journey is ongoing—requiring constant movement and growth as we work to expand God's righteous Kingdom rule on earth.

As these life-bestowing waters surge, they not only revive our souls but also erode the barriers of indifference, carving fresh avenues of empathy and selfless dedication. 

The prophetic call compels us to immerse ourselves in the overwhelming river of God's grace, as illustrated in Ezekiel 47. As we surrender to its depths, we find that it is not our strength but His divine power that carries us forth. This river, fierce and unrelenting, will sweep us up, transforming us from within. It is through this miraculous work of God in and through us that we are equipped to share the life-altering message of Christ, reaching every parched soul and desolate place, revealing the abundant life that flows within His kingdom.

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Glenn Bleakney

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Glenn Bleakney

Glenn Bleakney is the founder of Awake Nations and the Kingdom Community. Learn more by visiting AwakeNations.org and KingdomCommunity.tv