Episode 7

The Full Measure of Maturation

Welcome back to the Power of Five podcast with Dr. Michael Gretchko, a teaching pillar at Pneuma Church in Melbourne, Australia. In our last session, we explored Ephesians chapter four and the call to walk worthy of Christ's purpose.

Today, we continue our discussion, delving into the significance of Jesus' work on the cross, His ascension, and what that means for the church. We will also explore the role of the Fivefold ministry in equipping God's people for ministry.

In Ephesians 4:7-10, the apostle Paul emphasizes that grace has been given to each believer according to the measure of Christ's gift. This grace is not only for individual believers but also for the collective body of Christ. Paul quotes Psalm 68 and explains that Jesus, upon ascending, led a host of captives and gave gifts to men. These gifts refer to the fivefold ministry: apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers.

It is essential to understand that there are two types of gifts given to believers. Firstly, every believer has been given spiritual gifts that enable them to serve others. These gifts are for the common good and building up of the body of Christ. Secondly, the fivefold ministry itself is a gift to the church. The apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers are given by God to equip the saints for the work of ministry.

The work of ministry involves using spiritual gifts to serve both the church and the world. Every believer is called to use their gifts to serve others, building up the body of Christ. The fivefold ministry plays a crucial role in preparing and equipping believers for their unique ministries. By guiding and teaching, the fivefold ministry helps believers grow to maturity.

To understand the concept of maturity discussed in Ephesians 4:13, we must look beyond the idea of flawless perfection. The Greek word used for maturity, "taleos," signifies completion and stages of learning, advancing, and maturing. It is not about achieving sinless perfection but about becoming mature, like the fullness of Christ.

Being mature in Christ means being able to do what Jesus did—making disciples, praying, teaching, healing the sick, preaching, and revealing the kingdom of God. The fivefold ministry is instrumental in equipping believers to serve in these areas. They function as different aspects of Christ working together to make believers more like Him.

In our Western culture, we often focus on personal achievements and personal ministries. However, the New Testament teaches that our aim should be to become like Christ, not the best version of ourselves. Our growth and maturity should mirror the fullness of Christ, as demonstrated through His teachings and actions.

As believers, we need the guidance and equipping of the fivefold ministry to reach this level of maturity. They play a significant role in teaching, empowering, and modeling Christ-likeness. Through their efforts, believers are prepared to serve the church and the world effectively.


0:00 - Introduction

0:02 - Continuing the discussion

0:33 - The calling to walk worthy of Christ and His purpose

0:44 - The equipping of God's people by the fivefold

1:16 - The significance of Jesus' actions at the cross and His ascension

1:09 - The importance of the function of the fivefold

1:26 - The meaning of Jesus' ascent and descent

1:26 - Descending into the lower regions: the incarnation

3:42 - The gifts given by Jesus

4:38 - The distinction between spiritual gifts and the gifts of the fivefold

4:44 - The purpose of the fivefold gifts in the church

5:56 - The authority and demand for obedience

9:13 - The victory obtained by Jesus and the role of believers in continuing it

10:56 - The meaning of the helmet of salvation

13:28 - Quoting Psalm 68 to indicate victory over enemies

21:51 - The fullness and maturity in Christ

27:40 - Understanding maturity as becoming like Christ

31:23 - The role of the fivefold in equipping believers for ministry

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Kingdom Reformation
Glenn Bleakney

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Glenn Bleakney

Glenn Bleakney is the founder of Awake Nations and the Kingdom Community. Learn more by visiting AwakeNations.org and KingdomCommunity.tv